حسابداری و مالی::
بدهی خارجی
Such crosschecking will involve comparing data with those of creditors as well as other macroeco nomic statistics, such as external statistics (Inter national Investment Position and external debt) and monetary and financial statistics.
The com parisons can either be undertaken on an individual instrument basis (for example, specific govern ment loans) by the agency responsible for compil ing these statistics, and/or at an aggregate level using other macroeconomic statistics datasets and compare, for example, external debt statistics of the government sector.
If the public deposittaking corporation borrows exter nally, it is this corporation-not the government-that has the external debt liability.
A common structure has a debt office in the ministry of finance, focusing on public sector domestic and external debt, with the central bank overseeing private debt, and often taking on the operational functions related to government debt as its financial agent.
They may also already have been identified for the purposes of balance of payments, international investment position, or external debt sta- tistics.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران